Meet the Team

Our Doctors

All our doctors are included in the Obstetric List, Minor Surgery and Child Health Surveillance List of the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Area Team of NHS England.

All of the doctors have specialised interests, which allow for further high quality care of our patients. Dr Pound has a specialist interest in diabetes & prescribing, Dr Das – family planning, women’s health and substance misuse, Dr Pountney and Dr Aldread – joint injections and minor surgery, Dr Russell – women’s health, learning disabilities and mental health and Dr Laird – dermatology.

Dr Pound also supervises Foundation Year 2 doctors within the practice (doctors who have qualified but have yet to specialise) whilst Dr Aldread is a Trainer for GP Registrars in the practice (fully trained doctors doing specialist GP training), with clinical supervision support of the GPs and wider practice team.

We are a member practice of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (NNICB) which is divided into smaller groups of Primary Care Network (PCN) practices who work together on improving services to patients within the NHS budgets.

Our PCN is Ashfield North, made up of the Brierley Park, Kings, Willowbrook and Woodlands practices.

Dr Neil Pound (m)
BMBS (Nottingham 1990) BMedSci (hons) MRCGP (2010)

GMC Number: 3486519

Dr Ellora Das (f)

MBBS (Mysore, India 1996) RCOG (Dip) 2004 MRCGP 2006

GMC Number: 5181815

Dr Andrew Pountney (m)

BMBS (Nottingham, 2005) MRCGP, BMedSci, PG Cert Medical Education

GMC Number 6131105

Dr Colin James Aldread (m)

MBChB (Hons – Sheffield 2006) MRCGP, PG Cert Medical Education

GMC Number : 6144504

Dr Natasha Russell (f)


GMC Number : 7080593

Dr Alison Mary Laird (f)

BMedSci 1991 BMBS (Nottingham 1993) DRCOG MRCP

GMC Number: 4019471

Our Nursing Team


Mrs Tracy Pound (f)

Miss Emma Smithurst (f)

Miss Abbie Cahill (f)

Healthcare Assistants

Mrs Lisa Tryner

Mrs Claire Gartland

Ms Julie Denby


Caron Mead

Our Practice Team

Practice Management

Mrs Patricia Brown (f)
Practice Manager

Mrs Debra Timmins (f)
Assistant Practice Manager

Karen Stringer (f)
Business Support Officer

Kerry Forsdyke (f)
Business Support Officer

Administration Team

Our administration and clerical team includes front line receptionists and administrators, a secretary, practice manager and assistant practice manager and two business support officers. The admin team works to support the clinical team, undertaking tasks such as nurse admin support; ensuring patients are invited for the appropriate health checks and reviews; summarising and updating patient computer records; processing repeat prescription requests; and advising and supporting patients as they book hospital appointments through the ‘Choose & Book’ facility.

Dawn Moss (f)

Kay Stevens (f)

Jessica Tunnicliffe (f)

Lisa Hinds (f)

Natalia Agatowska (f)

Susanna Robinson (f)

Reception Team

Rachel (f)

Karen M (f)

Emma (f)

Chloe (f)

Ellie (f)

Jodie (f)

Louise (f)

Amy (f)

Attached Team

We work closely with other healthcare professionals such as District Nurses, Health Visitors and Midwives, who are not directly employed by the practice, but who work as part of the practice team delivering services to our patients.

You can contact the midwife through reception – please be aware that the midwife is not at the surgery every day. If you need advice or support, you can contact the Community Midwives Advice Line, which is open 9.30am-4.30pm Monday-Friday, on 01623 676170.

If you have an illness or incapacity that means that you need nursing care in your own home, your GP will refer you to the District Nurses. Patients who are likely to benefit from this service include the housebound, the elderly, people with a terminal illness, and those who have recently been discharged from hospital. District nurses provide wound care, palliative care, continence advice, health promotion advice and advice on co-ordinating care packages. The District Nurses can be contacted through the Single Point of Access (SPA) number 0300 4564951.

We also have access to specialised services within the community including physiotherapy and counselling services.

Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) staff

Through the Primary Care Network, a number of additional clinical support staff are allocated to Woodlands. These are shared staff employed to work across all the four Ashfield North Network practices (Brierley Park, Kings, Willowbrook and Woodlands Medical Practices).

This includes our share of:

Clinical Pharmacists and technicians who support the GPs with repeat prescriptions, hospital discharge medications and queries, arrange medication “swaps” (as agreed nationally) and medication reviews.

Social Prescribers who can signpost patients and carers to different agencies for social support – eg. arrange care packages, assist with benefit forms, blue badges, befriending services, social activities, home aids etc.

Mental Health Practitioner who has longer appointments for patients who are experiencing mental health issues for the first time. This is an assessment service

where patients will be signposted to the most relevant mental health service, but may also include initial management and review.

First Contact Physiotherapists provide an assessment service for all joint/Musculoskeletal issues where treatment may occur or appropriate advice or onward referral to MSK services. These staff have more specific skills in this area than the GPs and as such, patients are more effectively assesses, treated or signposted by seeing these staff in the first instance.

Reception staff are able to signpost patients for appointments with these services (following agreed criteria) which then can free up GP appointments.   

A PCN Digital Inclusion officer is also employed across the PCN whose role is to encourage and support patients to sign up and use the NHS App.

Pharmacy Team

Rohit Jumbu
Clinical Pharmacist

Anmol Khan
Clinical Pharmacist

Katie Wheatcroft
Pharmacy Technician

Julie Bradder
Pharmacy Technician

First Contact Physiotherapist

Mehwish Niaz

Mental Health Occupational Therapist

Rebecca Skelton
Mental Health Occupational Therapist


Kayleigh Lounds

Digital Inclusion Coordinator

Cassie Leathen
Digital Inclusion Coordinator